Author Archives for Laura Galloway

Applications for Micro 3D Printing in the world of AR/VR

April 1, 2021 5:40 pm Published by Comments Off on Applications for Micro 3D Printing in the world of AR/VR

As technology evolves, we see amazing results arising from the convergence of many types of innovation. The combination of hardware and software advances has resulted in creating an entirely new…

University of Pittsburgh researcher opts for BMF’s projection microstereolithography 3D printing process to speed microwell fabrication

April 1, 2021 2:04 pm Published by Comments Off on University of Pittsburgh researcher opts for BMF’s projection microstereolithography 3D printing process to speed microwell fabrication

Julio Aleman, a Bioengineering PhD student at the US-based Swanson School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, is conducting research into microphysiological systems. Like many researchers in his field, Aleman required…

Micro 3D Printing For Emerging MEMS And Microfluidics Applications

March 15, 2021 4:05 pm Published by Comments Off on Micro 3D Printing For Emerging MEMS And Microfluidics Applications

Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF) is a leader in microscale 3D printing systems aimed towards short-run industrial production of micro-sized devices. The newest printer in BMF’s line enables larger build volumes,…