Published Scientific Papers Using PµSL Technology
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Education and research applications for micro 3D printing provide students and researchers with multi-disciplinary opportunities at the micrometer scale. The experimental capabilities of the right 3D printer combine the experience of a microfabrication laboratory with focused education or research into medical devices, electronics, microfluidics, or micro mechanical devices. Specific applications include sensor units, miniature models, drug discovery, and microfiltration.

Over 100 scientific papers have been published from research conducted using microArch 3D printers in the fields of microfluidics, mechanical metamaterials, biomimetics, biomedicine, MEMS, optics, and more!

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BMF’s projection micro stereolithography (PμSL) technology:

  • Produces micrometer-sized parts with high precision, resolution, and accuracy at faster speeds
  • Allows students to learn to microfabricate parts that would have been impractical or impossible to produce just a few years ago
  • Gives researchers the ability to control project costs while quickly and easily microfabricating precision parts by 3D printing with xy optical resolution as low as 2µm
  • Provides effective experimental capabilities for colleges, universities and research institutions

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