September 12, 2023 | 12:00pm – 2:00pm
The Frontier RTP, Blue Ridge Room
The trend of miniaturization is gaining momentum, as the demand for smaller and smaller parts for consumer electronics, medical devices, robotics, pharmaceuticals, and life sciences grows. One of the new frontiers in additive manufacturing (AM) is the production of high-resolution, high-accuracy microstructures for industrial applications. These parts are not only difficult to prototype using existing 3D printers, but they are also often much more expensive and complicated to manufacture. Micro-precision 3D printing powered by PµSL technology delivers micro parts with the resolution, accuracy, and precision suitable for complex, intricate parts – with the necessary speed for end-use production.
At this exclusive gathering, we will provide an immersive experience where we will showcase the cutting-edge capabilities of micro-precision 3D printing and its transformative potential across various industries. We will present a captivating display of meticulously crafted demo parts, exemplifying the unrivaled precision and complexity achievable with this groundbreaking technology.
During this lunch you will learn:
- Why PµSL is a game changer in the electrical industry, medical industry, biotech industry, and many other industries
- AM’s advantages over traditional manufacturing
- Real life examples of companies using micro 3D printing to drive innovation
Register for the event