Precision in a Footprint of a Pencil Eraser:

Using high-precision 3D printing to develop the Summit™ single-use arthroscope

Pristine Surgical’s Summit™ 4K single-use surgical arthroscope marks a breakthrough in minimally invasive surgical visualization. Designed to simplify endoscopic procedures with high-resolution 4K imaging, Summit™ offers a fully integrated, sterile, single-use solution that reduces the complexities associated with reusable scopes.


The development of  Summit™  presented unique engineering challenges, particularly in the precision design of its tip. The goal was to create a compact device with delicate electronic components, optical systems, and mechanical parts, all within a space the size of a pencil eraser. To achieve this, Pristine Surgical needed a rapid prototyping solution capable of producing small, intricate parts with micron-level tolerances.

Traditional 3D printing tools fell short in meeting the necessary precision and detail. Typical printers could not handle the scale and accuracy required for their components. The need was clear: a partner that could deliver parts with the precision essential for medical device development.

The Summit™ 4K single-use surgical arthroscope


Pristine Surgical turned to Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF) for their advanced micro-precision capabilities. BMF’s 3D printing technology was crucial in transforming digital designs into tangible prototypes quickly and accurately. Here’s how BMF 3D printers supported the development of Summit™:

  1. High Precision and Detail: BMF 3D printers are renowned for their ability to print at micron-level resolution, which was essential for creating the tiny, intricate parts needed for Summit™. The printers’ native resolution supports the tight tolerances and clearances required for the delicate electronic and optical components of the device.
  2. Rapid Prototyping: BMF’s technology allowed Pristine Surgical to move from digital designs to physical prototypes swiftly. This capability was vital for iterative design, enabling rapid testing and refinement of ideas. Prototypes were subjected to rigorous bench testing and evaluation, allowing for immediate feedback and adjustments.
  3. Design Validation: With the ability to produce accurate prototypes, Pristine Surgical was able to test the functionality and fit of their designs within the working arthroscope. This hands-on approach facilitated stakeholder engagement and validated design concepts effectively.
  4. Support for Complex Design: The intricate architecture required to house the electronics, lenses, and other components of  Summit™  was successfully realized with the assistance of BMF’s 3D printing technology. The precision of BMF printers ensured that the design remained durable, stable, and capable of withstanding the wet environment typical of surgical procedures.


The use of BMF 3D printers significantly accelerated the development process of Summit™ . The ability to produce highly accurate parts quickly not only streamlined the design and testing phases but also contributed to cost savings by reducing the need for extensive rework and delays. “Our BMF 3D printer is a critical part of our design and development process. Having this tool allows for rapid iteration of new ideas and concepts, saving us time and money by accelerating the product’s journey to market,” said Michael Herda, Director of Product Development & Systems Management at Pristine Surgical.

BMF 3D printers played an indispensable role in the development of Summit™ , enabling Pristine Surgical to overcome the challenges of precision design and rapid prototyping. By leveraging BMF’s cutting-edge technology, Pristine Surgical delivered a game-changing device that advances minimally invasive surgical procedures while maintaining the highest standards of precision and efficiency.

Learn more about Summit™ here. Have a similar application? Request a benchmark part from BMF and discuss your application with a member of our team.