As products get smaller and smaller, the impact on product development is significant, as the challenge to efficiently and cost effectively manufacture small components increases. Current manufacturing methods such as micromachining, micro molding and lithography add multiple steps, long wait times and are very expensive. Learn how micro 3D printing is enabling miniaturization and why manufacturability is no longer the limiting factor in product design.

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Customer Story

Microscale 3D Printing for High-Fidelity Prototyping of Medical Parts

Kaleidoscope® Innovation of Cincinnati, Ohio is a product design and development company that serves internationally-recognized brands and innovative customers. When design engineer Olivia Enneking needed high-fidelity prototypes of small, precise medical parts, she asked a co-worker about Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF), which manufactures micro-precision 3D printers. Enneking’s colleague had worked with BMF before and liked how the inventors of projection micro stereolithography (PµSL) were able to rapidly produce microscale parts from biocompatible materials.

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Learn more about the microArch® S240 10µm printer

microArch® is the first commercialized high resolution, 3D micro-fabrication equipment based on PµSL (Projection Micro Stereolithography) technology, which is designed for production of high resolution, highly precise parts for prototyping and short run production. 

Learn more about the new microArch™ S240