
BMF Expands in Boston and Shenzhen

Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF), the pioneer in microscale 3D printing systems, today announced that it has expanded global operations with new state-of-the-art facilities in Greater Boston and Shenzhen, China.

Isometric Micro Molding Selects BMF for Micro 3D Printing

Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF), the pioneer in microscale 3D printing systems, announced today that Isometric Micro Molding Inc. added additional BMF printers to support its customers' early design verification and prototyping efforts with micro 3D printing capabilities.

BMF and 4D Biomaterials Partner to Bring Bioresorbable Materials to Micro 3D Printing

Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF), the pioneer in microscale 3D printing systems and UK-based 3D printing materials company, 4D Biomaterials today announce the capability to print micro-scale geometries using 4Degra® bioresorbable materials. This achievement marks the first time a bioresorbable material has been printed using micro 3D printing and will revolutionize the way implantable medical devices are manufactured in the future.

Boston Micro Fabrication Announces Partnership with Dreigeist GbR

Boston Micro Fabrication (BMF), the pioneer in microscale 3D printing systems, today announced their partnership with Dreigeist, an application developer, technology service provider and an independent distributor of market-leading industrial 3D printers, materials, and software located in Nuremburg, Germany.